In vitro chemical assays
Scavenging activity of antioxidant compounds (including plant extracts) against Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS):
Superoxide anion radical;
Hydrogen peroxide;
Hypochlorous acid;
Singlet oxygen;
Peroxyl radicals;
Nitric oxide;
Microplates used for the in vitro chemical assays
In vitro cellular assays
Isolated human neutrophils:
Viability studies: trypan blue and LDH assays;
Evaluation of apoptosis by morphology and flow cytometry (annexin-V/PI);
p53 determination;
Measurement of caspases activity;
Evaluation of the neutrophils' oxidative burst modulation;
Neutrophils' chemotaxis assay;
Inhibitory effect of the inflammatory enzyme 5-LOX;
Determination of the enzymatic type of inhibition of soybean LOX-1.
Isolated human neutrophils
Isolated human erythrocytes:
Lipid peroxidation (TBARS);
Hemoglobin oxidation;
Both forms of glutathione: reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG).
Whole blood assays:
Cytokines determination;
Inhibitory effect of the inflammatory enzymes (COX-1 and COX-2).
Isolated human erythrocytes
(red portion)