FORMER MEMBERS (under construction...)
Renan C. Chisté (Assistant Researcher)
- Chelators for new therapeutic strategies.
- Carotenoid oxidation by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species: Chemical analysis and biological activity.
Period: may/2013-nov/2015.
Diana Couto (PhD student)
PhD Thesis: Biological effects of polyacrylic acid-coated and non-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in in vitro and in vivo experimental models.
Period: apr/2011-jul/2015.
(2009-2011) - Introduction to Research as undergraduate student.
Alessandra B. Ribeiro (Post-Doc researcher)
Postdoctoral project: Evaluation of the antioxidant potential and determination of bioactive compounds from non-exploited native Brazilian fruits.
Period: jun/2014-mar/2015.
Tânia Soares (MSc. student)
Master thesis: Effect of silver nanoparticles in human neutrophils.
Period: set/2013-set/2014.